Who is the workshop for?
Why participate in the Pashut Laledet HypnoBirthing support techniques workshop?
Come be part of the wave of change in the Israeli pregnancy, birth and postpartum world - help women and babies experience calm and gentle births, guide couples to understand their central role in the birthing room, support women in experiencing births without unnecessary interventions.
Your name will be added to the list of our community of professionals on the Pashut Laledet HypnoBirthing website, a list that is used by women who have completed our childbirth preparation course and are looking for birth professionals who speak the language of Pashut Laledet HypnoBirthing.
Get certified as a Pashut Laledet HypnoBirthing support professional and join our community whatsapp group to get client referrals.
If you are already engaged in one of the childbirth professions, expand your possibilities for higher income, in the field you love.
Our Pashut Laledet HypnoBirthing community will continue to provide you professional support even after the workshop is over.
Get an international certificate, from HypnoBirthing International with which you can work all over the world.


"This course left a good impression on me. I like the diversity of the teachers and the offerings - each of them brings a different voice. I like the variety of teaching approaches: the theoretical, the practical, and the films"

"The program is deep and serious. The practical part and the many hands on techniques are very helpful for truly understanding the approach"

"I'm happy to be part of a revolution"

"The instructors are amazing and you see how deeply the method is engraved in their character and their lives. The positivity and trust in people and women in particular. You see how experienced and professional they are. I really hope to follow in their path"

"The workshop was very interesting and exciting, the experience of studying this subject ignites a passion in me. It is obvious that the instructors also love what they do and so do the other participants"

"Invested program, thought about every detail. Excellent syllabus"

"Profound, serious, clear"

"Feels very professional - organized and planned. The materials are presented in an eloquent and well-invested manner. The tremendous investment is evident and very significant"

"Very satisfied with the workshop, I'm sure I'll use it both in my teaching and as a therapist in the clinic"